Hi, my name is Gary Ng Kwong Sang

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I am an undergraduate at the University of Alberta. I have experience in object-oriented programming, mobile app development and numerical analysis.

In my free time, I like to learn new things, play table tennis, cook and bake new recipes 📚🏓🍳🥧

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Booker is an Edmonton-based book sharing platform for Android. It allows owners to record the books they have and loan them to borrowers. A user can be both an owner of their own books and a borrower of someone else's books. A borrower can borrow an available book by making a request for it. The owner can accept such a request. When the book is handed over, the book becomes borrowed. The owner can denote when a borrowed book is returned and available again.
I worked on this project as a team. I contributed to the design of the project by making the UI Mockups and Storyboard Sequences.
I also implemented features such as notifications requests and addition of books.
We developed this mobile app by using

  • draw.io for the UML diagrams
  • Figma for the UI design
  • Android Studio and Java for the development
  • Firebase for the backend

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TerranFormer Bot

A StarCraft II bot developed in C++ using the cpp-sc2 library. This bot outperforms the built-in AI of Medium difficulty.
I worked on this project with 3 other persons. I contributed to the project by implementing the attack strategies used by the bot.

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The famous iconic Atari game ported to web! Each player controls a paddle by moving it vertically. Points are earned when one fails to return the paddle to the other.
I developed the game entirely using the p5.js library.

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